1ST MARCH, 1885.
Dedicated to Lord H—n (Minister for War).
On pennies twelve per day.
"Your men are gone on Nubia's sands
Our batlle-flag to bear;
Their trouble lies in other lands,
Your woes they cannot share.
Clear out from here! Your rooms vacate!
Lodge where and how you may;
Hungry or homeless, set your fate
At pennies twelve per day.
Your little ones we won't forget;
Oh, no! for pennies three
Each child of Mars may daily get
From Britain's Treasur-ee;
A railway pass is yours to where
Your fancy points her wings:
(Your bodies only we can bear,
We don't convey your things)."
So—when those war-worn Grenadiers
Come back to Albion's shore-
Glory descends in British cheers!
Can heroes hope for more?
Yet minutes lengthen till they see
" The girls they left behind;"
A searching trouble next will be
Their whereabouts to find.
Economy ! oh, worthy lord,
To lofty pitch you've raised;
Pay nothing that you can't afford,
Keep valour well appraised.
While double sixty thousand notes
A brace of pictures buys,
Extravagance collects the votes
Consistency denies.
S. METFORD. South Toolburra, 18th April, 1885.
(The Queenslander 25 Aprill 1885)
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